Welcome to Sutton & Associates Insurance Agency

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Serving Eastern North Carolina for over 30 years, Preston & Paula are committed to helping families and individuals improve their quality of life through various life and health insurance products. With everything you need to get fully covered for anything life can throw at you. Sutton & Associates is here to guide you through all the tough insurance choices dealing with everything from Major Medical to Life Insurance to insure that you and your loved ones are fully protected.  

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With many options on Whole and Term Life Insurance let Sutton & Associates guide you on what plan you actually need. Is your family protected? 


Short Term Disability

Sometimes things happen that are not expected. Sutton & Associates has a Short Term Disability Plan that can prepare you for that challenge at a price that fits your budget. Having the right plan can replace a portion of your income during the initial weeks of a disabling illness or accident so you can focus on getting better and worry les about keeping up with your bills. 


There are so many changes in Health Care that it is hard to know if you have the right coverage. Sutton & Associates can help put together everything you need from single care, family care, to Medicare supplement plans.



Would you like to receive more information about any of the following insurance plans?